oh my god. I do not give a FUCK. I do not give a single solid SHIT.

if you have beef with users then go take it out somewhere else. it sounds like shit went down, but I do not know about it, and I do not want to know about it. every thread that even mentions discord events devolves into flamewars and posting furry porn, apparently. go and pick up your massive flaming garbage heap and take it somewhere else, preferably out of smelling distance.

sincerely, a trans poster

don't open

actual real footage of discord

  • proonjooce [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Yeah ngl it it's pretty embarrassing if I was new and wandering in to see what this place is all about all this would have me write if off as some kinda way too online insular clique pretty damn quickly. I mean that's exactly what it is but usually in a good way.