
0:00 - Introduction

04:12 - Pigs

23:19 - Egg-Laying Hens

30:49 - Broiler (Meat) Chickens

41:11 - Turkeys

45:29 - Ducks

53:03 - Cows

1:11:07 - Sheep

1:17:19 - Goats

1:21:57 - Fish

1:26:46 - Rabbits

1:29:24 - Minks

1:30:55 - Foxes

1:32:23 - Dogs

1:37:58 - Horses

1:40:43 - Camels

1:42:16 - Mice

1:43:51 - Exotic Animals

1:46:07 - Seals & Dolphins

1:49:16 - Conclusion

1:55:47 - Closing Credits

This was the doc that sold me fully on going vegan.

If you like meat, learn more about where it comes and the practices you are promoting to access it, then decide whether or not to continue.

  • LaBellaLotta [any]
    4 jaar geleden

    Boy this is a bullshit take that’s extremely ignorant of the actual logistical Differences between animal agriculture and crop agriculture. Why do you think that historically the food of the poorest peoples use very minimal meat and dairy? These are luxury products that when scaled up do incredible harm to the environment and require massive use of resources that could otherwise be used for humanity. Look into how much fucking water goes into beef and dairy dude. Yeah individual consumer choices aren’t activism I don’t think anyone’s deluding themselves about that but 1. The proletarian diet has historically been 90% plant based a la southern Italy, India, SE Asia, etc, and 2. If you actually give a shit about the impending climate apocalypse then the questions of what we eat and how it is produced are of the utmost importance to consider. If calling it a bourgeoisie affectation makes you feel better about Not making a relatively easy lifestyle choice that’s better for you and everyone around you then go ahead but educate yourself before acting like eating a vegan diet isn’t the single easiest, cheapest, and most effective ways to reduce your individual carbon footprint. And don’t fucking act like it’s either or, all us vegans are perfectly capable of political organizing AND trying to convince people to go vegan simultaneously, i do one or the other every fucking day. Yeah the problem is capitalism we all fucking agree but just because we’re swimming in bullshit personal responsibility narratives that aren’t true like recycling or electric cars or whatever doesn’t mean you can’t actually take small steps in your personal life to build towards a better world for everyone. It’s not about changing capitalism we all know that the meat and dairy industry will get propped up. but I challenge you to imagine a world where we can continue to consume the resources necessary for everyone to consume meat and dairy And we aren’t continually careening towards a climate apocalypse. EATING MEAT AND DAIRY IN EXCESS HAS HISTORICALLY BEEN A BOURGEOISIE AFFECTATION. THIS IS BECAUSE RAISING LIVESTOCK IS MORE RESOURCE INTENSIVE THAN GROWING CROPS. CATTLE ARE A HUGE SOURCE OF METHANE WHICH IS A WAY MORE POTENT GREENHOUSE GAS THAN C02. IF WE DESTROY CAPITALISM THESE PROBLEMS DO NOT JUST GO AWAY. and lucky for us we have to simultaneously destroy capitalism and avert climate crisis so stop being a dickhead uninformed contrarian and giving yourself a pass for not taking a small modicum of responsibility for helping out with the latter problem by just learning how to cook rice and beans like a real fucking prole.