Another coworker likes monarchies. A third thinks management cares about them. I’m. In. Hell.
BTW, I don’t even fucking talk to the whites about this shit so who knows how fucking nazi-like they are when we are not around.
I mean it's not that bad. I met a guy who said Poland is weird for having such a big percentage of home owners. That we should have more renters in the economy because that is better. We were both working minimum wage. I'm glad that was the only time I've seen him.
maybe just before you saw him, a brick fell on his head and scrambled his mind.
literally the only acceptable reason for uttering sounds like that.
Living in Poland itself brings people to nonsensical states of mind.
Unfortunate consequence of having the brick of capitalism falling on everyone's heads at the same time after wearing the Soviet hard hat for so long.
Working class is somehow full of chuds. We shouldn’t be, we should be communists. But we’re not. I hate it.
A third thinks management cares about them.
How old are they? I'm sure a few more years on the job will disabuse them of that notion.
I didn’t dare ask. Before this we were talking about romance and grandparents. Like…they are a good person! I think! I don’t know…I’m so confused.
assassinate? what are they, possessed by the ghost of weetman pearson?
it wasn’t that bad I guess. It was like what would you do if you knew you were going to die in a week. The responses were - spend time with family, jump off an airplane, do a bunch of drugs, and she said kill the current and former presidents of Mexico.
I’ve briefly mentioned China a couple of times at work, not even in positive terms, just uttered the name of the country, and bow howdy the response…it’s communist. Its repressive. It’s this it’s that. I just, I forgot that’s how normal people think.
I have two guys in my school who completely relate to the big corp they work for, worst of all one of them is on his companies workers council
We desperately need a union where I work. Whenever I brought it up I was shot down. All of my coworkers are white (including me). The ones I work with the most are all men, most of whom are at least 45 years old, many of whom are close to destitute despite working in the trades.
tbf in my experience talk about any of the 'third' world countries and you'll receive the same sort of answers, capitalist or not.
Lastima que México está tan lejos de Dios pero tan cerca a los EEUU