Let's set aside the popular argument that Israel has our complete and utter support and is actually doing what we want it to--**I accept that this is the most reasonable and likely explanation, but I want to ask about other possibilities. **

Does Israel have doomsday bombs planted all over the world or something? Because seeing US Officials saying "we hate that they're doing this, we've asked them not to, but there's nothing we can do" is so obviously inadequate and non-real, that you can really only assume that they either a.) wholly support all of the actions and are in fact directing them or b.) they know that apocalypse looms if they don't appease, like hostages. Basically US officials look like servants to Israel, with the speed and totality to which they supply aid and grant cover for what are obviously "beyond the pale" actions by our client state.

Again, I suppose option a. is the most likely. But I can't quite square their willingness to accept so much utter humiliation in order to see their "secret" desires met--they're pushing a misguided and likely to fail NeoCon foreign policy wet dream, and those same wild neocons would be constitutionally unable to accept public performances of weakness--the entire ideology is about performative strength.

I suppose option c. is that they know the world is fucked, billions are gonna perish one way or another in the next couple decades, and so why not funnel huge profits to defense contractors while they can so they can feather their bunkers properly.

I Don't know, there's just such a great deal of hyper-reality going around, I can't properly analyze anything easily anymore. Anyone even mildly paying attention can see that you could easily put Israel in line by pausing or significantly limiting arms and aid money--they cannot bomb anything if they don't have bombs, and aside from spyware and doing sloppy Nazi impressions in media, that appears to be all they're very good at, at this point.

I know US Officials don't care about dead Muslims or brown people, especially so if they're on the other side of the world, but they do care about humiliation. All of those stupid elites do, it's practically all they care about, since they already have virtually unlimited money and power as a class--we're constantly hearing how they hate that people don't like them, or think they're weird. They do stupid non-rational shit all the time to combat this. They want their cake and they want to eat it too.

Where does absolute support for Israel end, policy wise for the US. Is there really no red line?

  • hypercracker [he/him]
    14 hours ago

    It is a bit of a puzzle for me. It's very easy when talking about this stuff to veer into far right "Jews control the world" type nonsense so I tend to avoid it. Jewish people do punch far above their weight in this country for wealth & education metrics. I never really met any Jewish people in my early life until getting past undergrad and now I work with quite a few in both the academic & industrial sides of my field. So Jewish people do have cultural, political, and institutional heft and many of them strongly support israel. That counts for something in this country, even if it isn't so easily identifiable as a material condition. However, I don't think this heft would be so effective at mustering support for israel's colonial ambitions if it didn't also align with the wants of the military-industrial complex. I guess my thesis ultimately comes down to a sort of "I'll watch the skies" dynamic where liberal institutions are neutered of their power to stop the state from fully going in on what the MIC wants.

    • Jew [he/him]
      13 hours ago

      For alot of older Jewish Americans seeing the rise of Israel was very inspring and subsequently Israel has been seen through rose colored glasses by these people. My grandfather was 23 when the Nakba happened, but to him Israels founding was a miracle. To him it made Jews look strong, whereas the holocaust was the epitome of weakness.

      He is 98 now and the concept of Israel being built on genocide will never resonate with him. The idea that Israel deserves to fail, that it is illegitimate, is incomprehensible. It has bad leadership, but the Palestinians have even worse leadership. Thats the real problem.

      The good news is that none of his grandchildren will ever view Israel the way he does. I don't see strength in Israeli Jews. I reject the zionist notion that genocidal Jews are strong and Jews under a genocide were weak and pathetic. Its all bullshit.

      • GlueBear [they/them, comrade/them]
        10 hours ago

        To him it made Jews look strong, whereas the holocaust was the epitome of weakness.

        Where did that type of thinking come from? Why would anyone look at the victims of genocide as weak? Does he also view Armenians and African Americans as weak?

        Also thank you for the insight. I always had a hunch that the reason why older (non israeli) Jews make excuses for the terror of israel was due to the Holocaust and not so much anti-arab hate. Although the latter is baked in atp, I'm sure.