Let's set aside the popular argument that Israel has our complete and utter support and is actually doing what we want it to--**I accept that this is the most reasonable and likely explanation, but I want to ask about other possibilities. **

Does Israel have doomsday bombs planted all over the world or something? Because seeing US Officials saying "we hate that they're doing this, we've asked them not to, but there's nothing we can do" is so obviously inadequate and non-real, that you can really only assume that they either a.) wholly support all of the actions and are in fact directing them or b.) they know that apocalypse looms if they don't appease, like hostages. Basically US officials look like servants to Israel, with the speed and totality to which they supply aid and grant cover for what are obviously "beyond the pale" actions by our client state.

Again, I suppose option a. is the most likely. But I can't quite square their willingness to accept so much utter humiliation in order to see their "secret" desires met--they're pushing a misguided and likely to fail NeoCon foreign policy wet dream, and those same wild neocons would be constitutionally unable to accept public performances of weakness--the entire ideology is about performative strength.

I suppose option c. is that they know the world is fucked, billions are gonna perish one way or another in the next couple decades, and so why not funnel huge profits to defense contractors while they can so they can feather their bunkers properly.

I Don't know, there's just such a great deal of hyper-reality going around, I can't properly analyze anything easily anymore. Anyone even mildly paying attention can see that you could easily put Israel in line by pausing or significantly limiting arms and aid money--they cannot bomb anything if they don't have bombs, and aside from spyware and doing sloppy Nazi impressions in media, that appears to be all they're very good at, at this point.

I know US Officials don't care about dead Muslims or brown people, especially so if they're on the other side of the world, but they do care about humiliation. All of those stupid elites do, it's practically all they care about, since they already have virtually unlimited money and power as a class--we're constantly hearing how they hate that people don't like them, or think they're weird. They do stupid non-rational shit all the time to combat this. They want their cake and they want to eat it too.

Where does absolute support for Israel end, policy wise for the US. Is there really no red line?

  • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
    13 hours ago

    So I'm a dumb engineering guy who has a tentative grasp on geopolitics and Israel at best but, There was a magazine cover I saw a while back that showed a bunch of dominoes with the flags of Various countries with Israel at the forefront. The headline and the cover were pretty blanat in saying: If Israel falls the rest of the west will fall from the domino effect.

    That imagery is obviously hyperbolic but I think to a larger extent than we sometimes appreciate; a lot of very powerful people genuinely believe that. I think they view Israel as being basically a requirement for any future with western hegemony, and since a world without that hegemony is completely untenable to them we're basically all in on the project now. Either the dream of greater Israel happens or we have to start managing and facing the decline.

    • Owl [he/him]
      10 hours ago

      I think the actual necessity of Israel for the US's interests is very overstated, but, as you say:

      a lot of very powerful people genuinely believe that

      And furthermore - everybody knows they believe that. If Israel falls, the US failed to achieve one of its top foreign policy goals. Places kept in line with soft power and CIA coups are going to see the US fail to hold the place kept in line with billions of dollars of weapons and the US's full diplomatic support, and think the empire is crumbling and they can break free.

      And I think that any competent foreign policy ghouls, if the US still employs any, will know this too, and be forced to side with Israel.