I'm a software dev and i've been working corporate america for a decade and i hate it. i hate every second of every day. i've tried applying for non profits and government jobs and the entire job market is total balls. i've been trying to find something else for half a year and 100+ job applications.

I want to do something menial like project management. Something sitting at a desk. Something that isn't very mentally straining like the software engineering I'm doing now.

I want to work with cool people.

I want to work in an environment where I don't have to justify breathing the oxygen in their office.

I want to have a nice boss.

I don't care if the pay is shit.

How can i find something like this? How does one approach a job search if what you care about most is cool coworkers and doesn't care at all what the job is (aside from it being a desk job) or how much it pays?

  • bubbalu [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Probably a pretty challenging job, but you can get a foot in the door in conservation by doing seasonal work for the national park service and the forest service. I'm thinking of going into fire

    • Vayeate [they/them]
      4 years ago

      This thought crossed my mind too. Something with the parks. But I've heard these jobs are very competitive and in my brief glance at them they wanted degrees and experience in forestry and no fucking way that's happening for me