They're only gonna get more popular as the material conditions of the working class worsen as they're one of the only parties that's framing themselves as being against the status-quo. The UK left seriously needs better organising otherwise we're gonna see mask-off fascists in power

  • CarbonScored [any]
    9 days ago

    The UK is doomed for even more fuckery. The Greens are the only party depicted here that are even vaguely left-wing. We really do need to organise, but that kind of starts with abandoning hope in Labour to be a positive force, and establishing a new party without being effectively repressed by all media.

    • anarcho_blinkenist [none/use name]
      9 days ago

      Nobody is doomed unless people keep telling themselves and each other they're doomed and so do nothing. Drag whatever socialist parties and orgs there are, even in coalition with reformists if they will allow you to march under your banners and retain freedom of propaganda and criticism, because they share the same interest (for now); into throwing themselves at the contradictions between the left wing and labour. You need to split the masses off from the dead end of labour into radical organizing or at least swelling the greens ranks (as petty bourgeois will be more wont to do) and then putting a fire under the greens to compel them to fight for power (which they will be afraid to do) and show in the last analysis all of these parties are feckless and opportunist.

      People need to be directly shown as well as told why they are wrong, and why we are right. And that happens in this case by forcing labour with every leverage possible into untenable positions, and propagandizing that they can't manage to do what needs done, and doing so on every front -- in and with any unions and critical labor, in and outside their meetings and conferences and conventions and campaign events, on college campuses, canvassing in communities they rely on, in votes, running candidates against them to if not win expose them, in protests against them, etc. and setting lines loudly for labour, lines everyone needs crossed but you know they can't cross, to show the masses they are a dead end. It's already happening in the US for the past 8 years with the Democrats over, well, a lot of things but most recently Palestine has been a big one causing mass defections. Communist and socialist organizing and defections from dead end neoliberal parties is only growing.

      Show the masses who still ride labour why labour will never be able to fulfill the will of the conscious workers by agitating openly under your banners against the things you know labour can't do due to their interest but which the poor working masses want and need; in coalition with other left parties and reformist parties if necessary while maintaining freedom of propaganda and criticism. Look at everything as a whole, where the masses are and their class representation, and where they are locked up on what issues, and formulate a line of attack based on the current reality and state of thing now --- not as they have been or might be, but as they currently are in living reality. How can you foment a separation of masses where they are stuck, and mobilize masses who are not stuck but lost in how to advocate what they want and need. And these things feed into each other as more on every side see you doing this under our banners.

  • sharkfucker420 [comrade/them]
    9 days ago

    I'll be real. England is a fucking time bomb for eco-fascism. It is so incredibly reliant on imperialist extraction and when that eventually dries up due to global warming its gonna get really fucking rough in England. The influx of migrants won't help either. You English marxist have a decade left to establish a formidable vanguard.

  • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
    9 days ago

    Brits would rather die than not Americanize.

    Please Scotland, GTFO while you still can. Burger Island is inevitable.

  • imogen_underscore [it/its, she/her]
    9 days ago

    The UK left seriously needs better organising otherwise we're gonna see mask-off fascists in power

    not to sound too doomer but this basically goes for all of europe rn. i don't think the left has really reckoned with how out-organised we are and how close full-on fascism is. we're in much more of a 1924 moment than a 1974 or even 2004... it's scary:(

    • anarcho_blinkenist [none/use name]
      9 days ago

      Nobody is "out-organized" most of these chuds aren't organized at all. Did you see the right wing riots in the UK? A bunch of drunk out of shape hooligans wheeling flaming single-family plastic bins toward police, eating shit, then scattering? The guy who dancing in front of riot pigs got hit in the head and then nuts by his own guys' bricks? These are your fascists right now. Reform UK aren't even fascist they're standard rightist conservatives; nigel farage was already in power before. There is nothing to be defeatist about; and defeatism does nothing but help the reaction.

      The fascists are more organized in places like Germany but there is also an actual militant left in Germany, including underground people whose names are barely known who had a leader recently put in prison for organizing beatdowns of right wing leaders that stifled a lot of their willingness to show their faces for a while. These are dialectical relationships that both inevitably struggle with each other and rise as contradictions sharpen.

      It has always been 'scary.' It will never not be 'scary' to be revolutionary and challenge established powers. I guarantee you it becomes much more scary if we pretend to ourselves and try to convince others that doom is right around the corner and already happening and so paving the way for that to actually come true. Defeatism is counter-revolutionary. Read Lenin, including his writings and pamphlets on strategy and tactics during the revolution, and don't concede yourself to panic-mongering. The point at which your opponents are right-now-stronger is not a doom but is a point of conscious retreat and consolidation to attack the points where they are weak. And to discern this requires objective looks at reality as it is now, not vaguely possible futures to overwhelm oneself with, or dead pasts to be swamped in. We don't live in 1924 we live in 2024. We are making history every day.

      The left doesn't gain members by complaining that "the fascists are too strong and it's scary" (particularly when it's not even true), the left gains members by being active and present, and masses hitherto complacent or deflated seeing us communists being incisive in critique and decisive in action; seeing the left at the front, moving and pushing against the weakest junctures of capitalism and reaction and rupturing them to expose un-ignorable realities and bringing more people into recognizing we are right; while crushing or deflecting the sharpest points thrust against us and against those poor and oppressed who not only deserve better morally, but politically are also inherently the most revolutionary body necessary to mobilize. But that only happens when their confidence is gained that they can stick their necks out because we've been doing it, because they face more risk than anyone.

      Ask yourself and look carefully and critically with an eye to reality as it is now. Where are the working left masses? Stuck in dead end parlimentarism in the labour party? then our job is foment a split in the labour party by loudly and constantly, at every point we can meet them and the masses they have bound in their dead-end politics --- along their meetings and campaigns and conferences and canvassing and campus talks etc., exposing and explaining in propaganda the intractable contradictions which render labour incapable of furthering the will of the workers or meeting the challenges as they are needed to be met. This has been happening in the US with the Democrats and will continue to. Forming temporary coalitions with other smaller left-bourgeois reformist parties to do so if we have to; while maintaining independence of criticism and propaganda and acting under an openly communist banner, to rupture the biggest contradictions and bring more to our side by seeing we are right, and then move onto the next point of contradiction which is keeping the working masses in mire.

  • Andrzej3K [none/use name]
    9 days ago

    Labour is rhetorically almost identical to Reform UK, before we even mention the Tories, and tbqh it's hard to believe they would govern that differently.

    It's an incredibly bad situation dgmw, but people really need to stop obsessing over electoral politics because you're getting fascism anyway, regardless of which party is technically in government.

  • anarcho_blinkenist [none/use name]
    9 days ago


    Reform UK aren't even fascist, they are the same bog standard racist conservatives of a decade ago who did a neoliberal rebranding. Calling nigel farage an omen of fascism is not only incongruent with the reality of their movement and what fascism seriously is, but is also panic-mongering and doom-saying over nothing. He and his have already had positions of power. This "omen of fascism" thing is much more reasonable to say about France's party of Le Pen whose party was literally created by SS members and Holocaust deniers. And even they exist in a political and social landscape larger than them right now that needs to be taken into material account when speaking of the rising of fascists.

    "The left needs to get better at organizing" we are the left. collectively we are the 'better at organizing.' So we need. Where are things jammed up, and how to separate them? "better organizing" is phrase-mongering detached from material reality. Organize what? speak in specifics and do them. I said better in other comments here.