Not even, they got their history in an american high school classroom and never actually read a single book, essay or article relating to history since.
This could be a benefit depending on the textbook and the teacher. Most US High School history curriculums don't reference any original source material whatsoever, and most textbooks are watered down to cause as little controversy as possible in order to be marketable. At best, a student might be exposed to original sources in the course of writing an essay, if they don't simply take everything Wikipedia says for granted and copy the citations.
Not even, they got their history in an american high school classroom and never actually read a single book, essay or article relating to history since.
Most people don't do the reading for high school classes, so they've likely never actually rea a history book of any kind.
This could be a benefit depending on the textbook and the teacher. Most US High School history curriculums don't reference any original source material whatsoever, and most textbooks are watered down to cause as little controversy as possible in order to be marketable. At best, a student might be exposed to original sources in the course of writing an essay, if they don't simply take everything Wikipedia says for granted and copy the citations.