Today at work I needed the help of another journeyman because I had a boatload of plumbing to run and just needed the help of someone who I could get up to speed quickly by just handing a set of building plans and just sort of saying ‘here, go over there and plumb this in according to these plans’ and leave them be, while I am over here doing the exact same thing.

The guys I have a pretty good working relationship with were all tied up, with their own issues to deal with. So I got the guy who just started at the shop I’m at. He is a j-man, just new at work.

Today, I got about 20 minutes into a casual conversation about what the upcoming weekend’s plans were (Im going camping at a nearby state park, and I understood him to be of a similar vein - we are both avid hammock campers) and came to the realization that he is a fucking TRAD CATH. He got married right out of highschool 25 years ago to his sweetheart. She is not allowed to work. She is not allowed to drive. I dont even think is on the bank account or the title to the home they have. She is to have his lunch ready when he leaves for work in the morning. She is the one to take care of their son. And he explained to me in great detail about how his is teaching his 6 year old son the ‘proper husband/wife dynamic instead of the sissy liberal shit on TV’. She is to make dinner every evening. And not just any dinner, either. He wants a culinary masterpiece every day. He drinks raw milk. He is an anti-vaxxer. He listens to Gavin Mcguiness (or however the fuck you spell it, i dont give a fuck how he spells his shitty racist name) daily or weekly, and has even hung out with him multiple times. He is a proud western chauvinist. He is a volunteerist, whatever the fuck it is. According to him he donates money monthly to Alex Jones. He buys the supplements AJ hawks. He firmly believes in the globalist agenda to blah blah blah….. By then I’d had enough.

jesus fucking christ.

This isnt the first time ive had other white guys signal what they are, or what their beliefs are. I hate to say it, but I probably fit a visual mold that makes them think Im of the same mind. I wear overalls, my beard is too long and going grey. I have long hair. i carry a pistol in my service truck. I am more and more disgusted by those in my profession. At least in my neck of the woods, plumbers are awful fucking people. Im glad that at the least, I dont socialize with any plumbers after work.

I ended up having him pack up his tools and call the office for a different assignment. Then I spent a half hour explaining to the office manager, and then the owner, why I ran another jman off the jobsite.

I just wanted to talk about going camping in a hammock this weekend.

  • FunkyStuff [he/him]
    1 day ago

    The misogyny here is truly repulsive, but describing himself as a voluntarist immediately jumped out to me. Here's a passage from Hegel and the Nazis:

    With this last idea, we arrive at the diametrically opposite pole, the extreme, arbitrary voluntarism. While for Hegel, the “individual of universal history” is only the organ by which historical necessity is fulfilled, for the National Socialists all historical, economic and social necessity is abolished by the Fuhrer, he is therefore a “Fuhrer by vocation,” he appeals to this entelechy of the race, and that is how, in his work of regeneration, he can do as he pleases. And it follows from the essence of National Socialist adventurism, from the essence of its social demagoguery, that every kind of economic necessity, every kind of economic limitation of the Fuhrer’s work of regeneration is particularly vehemently challenged. Rosenberg says: “It is not true that joint stock companies or cartels, ‘should’ be united in two, three cities, that new factories ‘should’ always be built in Berlin, that only supply and demand ‘should’ govern life.” And Hitler himself, immediately after taking power, expressed himself in the same spirit about the economic crisis: “When, on the one hand, there are thousands of men who want to work and on the other, there are mineral wealth and work possibilities, a necessity consumption and a need for production in the German people, so it would be sad that a will and action could not impose itself.”

    As far as I can tell, the Catholic Church rejects Voluntarism as a philosophical tenet, so if this guy got into voluntarism he might literally just be i-am-adolf-hitler

    • heggs_bayer [none/use name]
      24 hours ago

      What even is voluntarism? The "ism" bit makes me think it's more than just volunteering at a soup kitchen once a week or some shit.

      • Feinsteins_Ghost [he/him]
        23 hours ago

        It was one of the first things he lead with, and I guess he mistook my genuine not knowing what it was for some sort of interest, or maybe an opportunity to convert me or something. He said it was similar to anarcho-capitalism and I have zero idea if it is or not. Given the context of everything else, it just sounded like horseshit to me.

        • Mardoniush [she/her]
          20 hours ago

          It's associated with particularly unhinged an caps.

          The idea that all society should be managed by various voluntary contracts (for values of voluntary that include "sign this or starve" and "once you've signed you can never back out".)

          They generally split on those Randian ghouls that think family is contractual (kids must pay back the full value of the outlay upon them.) and Crypto Fascists who thinks it doesn't because the wife isn't a real person actually and women thus cannot sign contracts.

          • FunkyStuff [he/him]
            16 hours ago

            I forgot about the ancap spin of voluntarism. What I was thinking about was the "rule through will" ideology of the Nazis, that upheld that the Aryan will could triumph over the limits of the intellect.