U guys notice how pathetic the Democrats are at consolidating power. It would be funny if it didn’t end up with minorities being executed

  • Uncle [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Liberalism and fascism both serve capital. Ultimately, they are different only in the rhetoric they use to mobilize their supporters. The fascist uses fear, they say "give me power and I will prevent things from getting worse for you". This is a very easy grift, because you don't actually have to deliver any results, it will be assumed you succeeded if nothing gets dramatically worse. The liberal uses hope, they say "give me power and I will make things better for you". But this too is a grift, since they have no intention of making things better for the working class. The best they can do is use optics to convince people things are getting better, while offering no material change. They can be coerced into redistributing some resources to the proletariat, but only if there is a serious threat to capital that they need to put down. They will not do this in order to win power from fascists. The fascists are on their team.