U guys notice how pathetic the Democrats are at consolidating power. It would be funny if it didn’t end up with minorities being executed

    • PlantsRcool [any]
      4 years ago

      Exactly. They seemed pretty good at it when they ratfucked bernie

    • Steely_Gaige [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      I think it's also necessary to point out, in bourgeois electoral politics, the voice of the right wing will inherently be elevated over the voices of the working class. We're supposed to be alienated from our labor and down trodden.

      I think the dems win, in their own way. They've managed to massively fundraise and their leadership is all a bunch of corporate neoliberal ghouls. They can position themselves as antagonistic to the right wing, while shifting ever further to the right themselves.

      They don't need or want to win, and they're fairly open about it. Biden even said not too many Democrats should be elected.

  • cpfhornet [she/her,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    They don't want to consolidate power, they exist to diffuse and obfuscate class tensions by pretending to offer something of value to the working/oppressed classes.

    Which is why when you start trying to piece together a broad framework of what they are fighting for conceptually, its incoherent and piecemeal, only seeking to address the cursory glance and give a sense of resolution.

    For anyone looking at the broader flow of history and the base contradictions in society within the imperial core, the liberals have no answers and give no airtime, to them the days of real ideological conflict are over, the end of history. They claim that the American system can resolve these problems with calculated tweaking, no major changes. They are the force vying for equilibrium and risk-management of imperialism.

    To a reactionary, they can sense the basic nature of the base societal contradictions, but they simply choose the side of maintaining their whiteness as an identity and superior class position, choosing to cling to their suspicion of "people" and their ideas of humans as inherently evil, and the rest of their fascist ideological conditioning. They are open enemies of their own class, and will jump at the opportunity to do the Bourgeoisie's dirty work.

  • fuckhaha [any,none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Power in the party is very centralized in the hands of a few incompetent decaying ideologues, who constantly fuck up sometimes on purpose and have formalised lying about it

    And they reproduce themselves in future generations via intern programs and pete buttigiegs

  • btr2mrw [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The dems are entirely integrated with a professional class of advisers, marketers, analysts and "activists" who work for think tanks or boutique consultancies. These ppl align themselves with the dem party through professional networks and branding but have zero incentive to actually lead the party to any kind of success. They get paid regardless and any perceived crisis only increases the demand for their "expertise." This industry has an unlife of its own, decoupled from any ideology or political goals. In perpetuating itself, it churns out perplexing artifacts like Big Structural Bailey or Pete Buttigeig that only serve to further alienate citizens from the dem party while reaffirming the superficial values of the in-group by displaying their symbols of authenticity or competency.

  • Zhoutaku [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Republicans in power understand that conservatism is a project that ends with managing the electorate and mitigating democracy as much as possible so something like the Civil Rights Movement can never affect policy again.

    Liberal politicians see politics as a means of "steering the ship," or navigating the country for the long term sustainability of Capitalism.

  • snackage [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Deep down they don't want to win because if they do they'd have to be held accountable and they have no intention of implementing what their rhetoric is saying.

  • Uncle [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Liberalism and fascism both serve capital. Ultimately, they are different only in the rhetoric they use to mobilize their supporters. The fascist uses fear, they say "give me power and I will prevent things from getting worse for you". This is a very easy grift, because you don't actually have to deliver any results, it will be assumed you succeeded if nothing gets dramatically worse. The liberal uses hope, they say "give me power and I will make things better for you". But this too is a grift, since they have no intention of making things better for the working class. The best they can do is use optics to convince people things are getting better, while offering no material change. They can be coerced into redistributing some resources to the proletariat, but only if there is a serious threat to capital that they need to put down. They will not do this in order to win power from fascists. The fascists are on their team.

  • cracksmoke2020 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    It's because the political coalitions that make up the democratic party are far less singular than the ones that make up the Republican base. There is essentially nothing that unifies the democratic base other than being anti evangelical and you can't really say that outloud as black evangelicals are also a part of the Dem base.

    The Republicans aren't really anything more than just the evangelical christians movement these days alongside doing whatever any sort of willing donor is willing to give them as it relates to any other political issue.

  • TemporalMembrane [she/her]
    4 years ago

    They prefer being in opposition. You get to fundraise off your opponent, you can promise whatever you want and never have to deliver, you don't need a coherent message across the whole party so AOC can be in the same party as Biden and no one will bat an eye, you get to send money to your advertising exec buddies, a whole class of PMC grifters can grow up around you like so much moss, and so on.

    Then every once in a while when tensions get high in the working class you get to take all of that and redirect it to within the system and maybe make a small concession or two that will inevitably be undone by the GOP again.