I don't want to say it was a UFO, but it was unidentified.
It is a UFO, yes. Although anything is a UFO if you're really bad at identifying things.
Satellites, airplanes, and balloons can have flashing lights on them to indicate position, but they can also reflect light from way beyond the horizon, resulting in seemingly impossibly bright flashes. The Iridium satellites used to do this reliably and often before they were deorbited, but now OneWeb and Starlink have taken up that mantle with far greater prevalence and annoyancem
Space debris can do this too, like failed Iridium satellites, ALOS, or rocket bodies tumble throughspace and their flares are basically unpredictable.
Shame, I got excited and told my friend who's into aliens.
probably Starlink those things are like mosquitos of low earth orbit
It was the universe telling you "No"
So just don't
Not even
Never ever
It’s the flash of the camera on a spy satellite. They saw what you did
It's actually a giant head of stalin made of chrome floating in space. It has laser eyes that blast reactionaries from space.