Zizek did not humiliate this fucking grifter enough

  • Awoo [she/her]
    4 years ago

    He is. And he's critical to fascist growth. If he disappeared it would take fascists years to build someone else up to the same standard and there are very few with the ability to keep their fashy nonsense under control long enough to reach his level of influence in the mainstream.

    Unlike leftist growth which is spread extremely wide with individuals radicalising individuals the fascist growth is coming through a handful of extremely heavily promoted influencers. These influencers are critical points in the chain and it takes a long time to build them. They can't build several at once either because building one up requires the entire audience to focus on them. The skill-growth these influencers go through and the way constructing them works results in only being able to build a couple of different influencers up at a time to target different audiences.

    With any luck the benzo addiction kills him.