My gf takes pills for and endocrine condition, but we still use condoms cuz we are paranoic.

Raw is nice from time to time, tho

  • BigDaddy [he/him]
    4 years ago

    My gf had an allergic reaction to a copper IUD (nonhormonal). Went to ER and primary care--both said it was herpes and a yeast infection. After a full week of being bedridden and unable to use the bathroom without assistance, we said fuck this and had the primary care take it out. The test came back negative for herpes and the infection started to clear up the next day. Docs wouldn't listen to her that the IUD was the problem and wouldn't (at the ER) let me be in the room with her when they poked around (e.g. restrained her against her will), resulting in PTSD-type responses due to past trauma Legit thought she might have died--they gave her painkillers and anti-anxiety meds that fucked with her head throughout this, causing her to have MORE panic attacks. Overall it was hell. Then covid became a thing a few weeks later. Rough stretch for us lol