We have a great example in BLM. I'd argue that it's a bigger movement now than under Obama. Or how people suddenly give a shit about ICE. Or the time we almost went to war against Iran and how every liberal was screaming from the rooftops but said nothing about the various wars Obama started.

I'm thinking about movements like the Standing Rock protests and how they were seen as fringe, divisive protest to everyone but the most dedicated leftists and social justice people. Same thing with Occupy Wall Street. What did we even get out of Occupy? A bunch of Facebook meme pages that are now shilling for the Democrats that the movement started under.

It seems every bad thing the government does that can reasonably be attributed to Trump is now a popular hashtag. I know liberals are just grandstanding to own the Republicans and aren't really being sincere, but I wonder if things would have looked differently if, idk, McCain or Romney had won.

What do y'all think?

  • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
    4 years ago

    People are bound by the limits of their ideology. White libs believed racism was basically solved by Obama. and their ideology seems to be no more complex than Dems good, Republicans bad. Therefore yes, I do think if Ferguson and occupy happened under a republican president, it would have gotten more support.

    I expect if biden wins libs will pivot to "time to focus on the future" and stop supporting the protests basicly immediately. They're already some of them lowkey doing this with "these protests are gonna make trump win!!!!!" Luckily this year has radicalized a bunch of people so hopefully it will be.... less demoralizing when they do this bc we'll still have comrades left.