dayruiner [they/them]

  • 43 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • dayruiner [they/them]tomainAesthetics struggle session, go
    4 years ago

    This is my main gripe with the left values test too. Nationalism is just defined as being proud of your culture and where you come from, which is VERY different depending on if you come from an imperialist culture vs if you come from one where your culture is currently being colonized. Sometimes it's just about survival and not dominance.

  • The worst part is that the US hasn't built good train cars in so long that they don't have the expertise anymore. So as soon as the factory closes shop (after building subpar train cars due to american inexperience), they have to send the cars back to south korea for repairs when the welding is inadequate. No one from the factory that made them is working there anymore, and they don't iterate on their existing designs to kinda cement that knowledge and improve the quality. So building trains in the us is expensive, slow, and bad.

    Meanwhile, China and Spain are building all the trains.

  • Forreal. It's one thing to critique neoliberalism and the way that society at large has designated the small business owner as the most oppressed, most important, and somehow in the lowest tier of society because workers don't exist. Because that means that Dems can get away with saying shit like this and have the public believe that this is going to help entire communities of color instead of just specific PoC individuals that own businesses. That's fucked up and worth critiquing.

    But getting mad because they're not helping white owned businesses too is ??? that was never the issue. Just give people aid directly.

  • dayruiner [they/them]
    tomainthe furries got to the donald
    4 years ago

    You can find where it's being hosted and supply a takedown notice directly to the hosting company.

    The ip address is for the actual box so you could also potentially DoS it, or hack into it. But those are probably illegal.

  • “This begins with the realization that every American adult is responsible for his or her own health,” Mackey wrote. “We should take that responsibility very seriously and use our freedom to make wise lifestyle choices that will protect our health.”

    This is the final stage of American hyper individualism. What does "Freedom" even mean here?

    "Freedom" rhetoric implies two things: freedom from something, and that there is a material difference between American QoL and every other place on earth because of that freedom. Freedom by itself means nothing. It's not like the US is the only country in the world where you can make choices. "Freedom" is a meaningless dogwhistle that Americans instinctively react positively to when used by politicans. It means nothing, really. But the public is scared of some spooky spectre alternative.

  • I watched The Florida Project as part of a film class this year and I thought it was really well done although it wasn't made in 2020. Soul was pretty good and enjoyable. I also watched Birds of Prey, which isn't a good movie, but it's one of the more enjoyable ones in the genre. Never got around to watching Enola Holmes.

    This year I've seen more series than anything else.

  • dayruiner [they/them]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    The other day in a group chat I had a friend say something like "I learned the DPRK is an actual place you can visit, I wonder how much there is that just isn't taught to us?"

    I do think some people are starting to question things more and that's really cool