🥕 🥬 🥦 xi-gun

    • Chronicon [they/them]
      1 month ago

      https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/vegetable-consumption-per-capita betting this is where they sourced it, FAO presents it at the supply level, the per capita figures are OWID's doing

    • Chronicon [they/them]
      1 month ago

      this sent me down a rabbithole and hot damn that website is rough to use

      I found the first usable data digging into this one: https://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/FBS

      with options looking like this (just hit select all to get all measures on that top right box):


      seeing figures on the same order as whats listed in the OP:


      except it's continued to increase lol

      • FloridaBoi [he/him]
        1 month ago

        I was on the site trying to get those combinations to work. You did it