i know the traditional ashkenazi pronunciation of hebrew definitely didnt win out in israel.
More than that! Ashkenazic Hebrew was deliberately replaced in a fit of auto-antisemitic psychosexual pique by the early Zionist movement looking to dissassociate itself with the "sounds of Yiddish complaint". It's essentially brown-face as white Central European Jewish people do a vague centuries old impression of Jewish dockworkers in Algiers following their exoticization/eroticization by Ben-Yehuda.
More than that! Ashkenazic Hebrew was deliberately replaced in a fit of auto-antisemitic psychosexual pique by the early Zionist movement looking to dissassociate itself with the "sounds of Yiddish complaint". It's essentially brown-face as white Central European Jewish people do a vague centuries old impression of Jewish dockworkers in Algiers following their exoticization/eroticization by Ben-Yehuda.