Literally getting downvoted and being called scum in r/politics because I had the crazy take that everyone's life is equally valuable. I'm being bombarded by people telling me that having a master's degree and driving a prius makes someone a better person. These motherfuckers scare me.
Link to said thread:
Yeah but I'm naive and think even they could be redeemed. Maybe after being punched once or twice.
Understandable, should we have a struggle session on capital punishment?
Capital should be punished.
Damn you are right
this is the greatest comment of all time, possibly ever
We don’t have the time resources or ability to fix nazis right now, and won’t until after the workers seize power. Maybe we can then, but until then.....
If you want. I really don't think the state should be executing anyone. But then again, I'm kinda glad timothy mcveigh is gone.
Yeah, it's fucking scary. Yet the powerful always can snuff anyone, sometimes not legally but still.