I really wanna flash forward like 500 years to see if Future English has bizarre word changes. Like the term "unalive" loses some of its letters and the definition/usage changes. Something like "enahive: (adj.) When a person is in a deep slumber and is not woken up by alarms, loud noises, or disasters, causing them to sleep through them."
"Enihive the sewer slide collapse McKaylieah limo!"
I really wanna flash forward like 500 years to see if Future English has bizarre word changes. Like the term "unalive" loses some of its letters and the definition/usage changes. Something like "enahive: (adj.) When a person is in a deep slumber and is not woken up by alarms, loud noises, or disasters, causing them to sleep through them."
"Enihive the sewer slide collapse McKaylieah limo!"
"Kayla hilariously slept through the car crash."
Pratchett with his "inhumation" for assassination will prove prophetical.
And you can bet that language in 500 years will change much, you can even observe the changes in real time during your life.