Salutations Everybody!
As always, we ask that in order to participate in the weekly megathread, one self-identifies as some form of disabled, which is broadly defined in the community sidebar:
"Disability" is an umbrella term which encompasses physical disabilities, emotional/psychiatric disabilities, neurodivergence, intellectual/developmental disabilities, sensory disabilities, invisible disabilities, and more. You do not have to have an official diagnosis to consider yourself disabled.
Mask up, love one another, and stay alive for one more week.
Here's my latest update from my dreadful therapist who I need to keep seeing until my 6 month course is complete, in order to help me with my disability benefit appeal.
She asked for a review of her therapy and I said it hasn't helped me. She said my problems are poor health and lack of money, therapy can't fix that. (so it feels like she's just whiling her time away on a lost cause to get her paycheque). I said therapy can help with those, helping me get my benefits and reducing anxiety, getting food. She said that's not what therapy is for, and seemed annoyed. I said I thought we'd do deep dives, into my psyche to clear it out and reduce my depression, she said that won't benefit me because I'm still in the situation that is causing my depression. According to her, therapy is for helping you process a difficult experience once it is over, and not suitable for supporting you through a hard time. So again, seems like she's just wasting time to get her money rather than actually trying to help me. I told her I'd started therapy in good faith, expecting something deeper, but that's not happening so at the very least one benefit I can get from therapy is to be allowed to complete the course so the DWP don't use me quitting as ammunition to deny my benefit appeal.
Some people here recommended I speak to her about Maslow's hierarchy of needs - how can I concentrate on higher things like therapy when I'm struggling to get my basic needs met? She said then quit therapy. I said I can't, I need it for my benefits claim. She said that's not what therapy is for and it just went on and on, banging my head against a wall until I gave up.
I spoke about the fact that I see no way out other than suicide if I lose the benefit appeal, I've already made one suicide attempt (was in intensive care for 5 days) and have since made a suicide pact with someone to help me when the time comes. I would rather kill myself than be moved from shelter to shelter, or potentially be out on the streets, in winter, while having cancer treatment and recovering from a stroke. Therapy, surely, can help heal my suicidal ideation? She said no it can't because my suicidal ideation is triggered by external factors rather than mental illness. She said if I lose my benefit appeal she can give me some leaflets on accessing emergency shelters. That's all she had to say about that.
I told her more about my suicide pact, how I'd found someone on a suicide forum to help me this time as I failed trying on my own last time. I told her the method is planned out and the guy is trying to procure the equipment, each of us is just waiting to see how our situations pan out before we decide whether to go ahead with it. She just said, "Don't meet someone off the internet, he could be aremoved for all you know, he could hold you captive, it's dangerous." And that's all she had to say about that.
I can't afford for her to "fire" me, so I just said OK we'll do it your way, and we did more drawing with crayons and another crappy meditation. She got the crayons out and told me to draw whatever I'm feeling. I drew a rich man living in a castle with piles of money and food, while poor people in rags starve to death in the cold outside. This triggered another conversation about my benefit appeal. She asked how I feel about it, and I said it's horrible listening to society talk about how it's too easy to claim benefits, and how most benefit claimants are fraudsters, when actually it's very difficult with endless assessments and appeals. She then said "But some people really do scam the system, so you have to understand where the people who criticise benefit claimants and call them frauds are coming from." I reminded her of my serious illness and major disability and how difficult it has been for me to claim, and she spent several minutes defending people who call benefit claimants frauds because it's hard for working people to see their taxes go to people who pretend to be disabled just because they don't want to work. She seemed very much of the opinion that it's more important to prevent fraud even if it means genuinely disabled people will slip through the cracks.
We spoke more about my destitution and fear of homelessness and she said this isn't what therapy is for, she can refer me to shelters and debt crisis people but that's all. She said if the therapy isn't benefiting me she can refer me to free classes like art or meditation. I'm not sure how that's meant to help.
The meditation she did with me involves her telling me to breathe, roll my ankles, move my legs, turn my head this way and that, etc. And this time she scolded me because my left side wasn't keeping up with the right side. I said, "You do know I've had a stroke. My left side is affected and can't keep up with the right side. I've told you I've been having physiotherapy. What else can I do about it?" She said "Try harder." And seemed annoyed. She's never brought up the difference in my left and right sides in a meditation before, I think this time she was just picking on me out of annoyance at everything I'd said.
Because my physical health has worsened, she agreed we can cut the number of remaining sessions down even further, and just do the final one in January. However, she said if asked by the DWP she will tell them I haven't been to all the sessions, although she did at least say she'd acknowledge that it's because of a deterioration in my physical condition. I hope they won't use that against me.
i hope you survive comrade
This therapist is atrocious, I'm so sorry. I can't comprehend how people enter the Helping People field with everything on their mind except Helping People. Sorry.
It's beyond unprofessional and sounds like it's venturing into medical malpractice. If a patient says they're experiencing suicidal ideation, then absolutely there are ways to help. I've had psychologists cancel appointments with me because they dropped everything they were doing and had to go deal with another patient in crisis.
This person sounds like they wanted to become Hannibal Lector, but found out actual therapy and psychology aren't like that so the dissatisfaction gets taken out on patients. Fuck these people. Unlimited piss and shit smoothies on them from Comrade Sociopath trapped in the psych ward. Maybe the AA folks can bully them on top of that.
What are some things that can help?
The main one is taking away suicide methods. Often people who are suicidal will fixate on specific methods, such as guns. Removing those options can sometimes be enough to stop a person. The other is hospitalization, either in-patient or out-patient. It will depend on how severe the situation is, the patient's impulse control, and the patient's access to different methods.
From there, you need to create a support system for the patient. Bringing friends and family into the discussion, support groups, more extensive therapy that educates the patient on how to identify and deal with stress, etc.
Your doctor sounds like they haven't even taken the first steps at evaluating the seriousness of your situation.
None of the therapists at this place take it seriously. I was on the waiting list for this therapy for 5 years. During that time I became extremely suicidal, to the point that it scared me and I contacted the local hospital where this therapy place is, desperate for help. They squeezed me in for a one-off emergency appointment. The therapist was a hippy woman dressed in long flowing purple robes. I told her how I was on the verge of suicide and begged for help. I had my method planned and everything. She smiled serenely and told me to buy the new age book "The Secret," which is about the law of attraction, and use it to attract whatever I want into my life. Then, according to her, I won't be depressed any more. Then that was the end of the session and she pretty much shoved me out the door.
I did in fact make a suicide attempt that landed me in intensive care for 5 days. Even then, they didn't GAF. During my hospital stay, I was extremely confused due to a combination of the overdose I'd taken, plus whatever drugs they were giving me. I was so confused I didn't know where I was or what was happening. Sometimes I thought I was in my living room at home and sometimes I thought I was at the beach. In this state, they gave me two sessions, right there in a nearby part of that hospital, with a therapist. I was so unwell I had to lay down during the sessions and wasn't even sure what was going on. After the first session the therapist showed me out of the door and I was so confused I couldn't find my way back to my ward, I didn't know where I was going or what was happening and ended up just sitting down in a corridor. Eventually when I didn't return to the ward they came to find me.
After 5 days I was deemed physically well enough to go home, and was discharged with no follow up mental health appointments. Seriously, no-one cares, I am used to it. Just like the government/DWP don't care if I starve due to lack of money. I'm now just tolerating this current therapy to help me win my benefits case.
Yeah this sounds awful. Mental health isn't taken seriously and it sounds like you're in a location where it's especially bad. It's in the UK, right?
Yes, I don't think any health issues are taken seriously. It took them nearly 4 years to diagnose my cancer because they refused to do any tests, they kept telling me I was just either depressed or a hypochondriac.
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your therapist is an absolute nightmare and is deeply unprofessional. i genuinely believe she should be removed from the practice because of how harmful she's being toward you.
i'm truly wishing you the best with your appeal and hope that your needs will be met very soon
The therapy department has nothing but negative online reviews, every therapist here. All one star reviews and negative comments. I can only assume it's not shut down because the NHS has such long waiting lists and they need every therapist they can get? Or they just don't care, the entire department seems like it's just a box checking exercise for them to all get a paycheque.
I'm sorry you have to go through all that
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Thanks. She said other stuff too, I can't remember all of it but I remembered one other thing. I've told her about this forum before, about how a couple of people here helped me get food, and she was appalled at me for begging strangers for help and told me to stop doing that. In this most recent session she told me I should join a class to get a social life, and because I don't feel well enough for activities like that at the moment, I reminded her about this forum and told her the people here have been nice to me and I have all of you to talk to. She asked a bit about it and when I said it's a socialist/communist forum she told me to stop talking to you all because you'll put ideas in my head and I'll get brainwashed.
It shows she doesn't even really listen to me, because I've already told her I'm very much far-left, nobody is brainwashing me, I already think these thoughts, and also she'd apparently prefer me to have no-one at all to talk to if I'm not up to doing activities in real life. And she'd prefer I have no food either since she told me to stop asking for help getting food on here.
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Thanks. The impression I get of her isn't that she's been hurt, but the total opposite. She just comes across like she's never had an actual problem in her life. She's very young and seems to have had a very easy life. She seems to have no concept at all of problems. Like she seems to just genuinely not even comprehend the fact that with no money and a very difficult to access local foodbank, no family to help, I can't get food any other way than either shoplifting or begging. She seems like she really doesn't understand this. Or like she thinks help is much easier to access than it is, because she's never had to try accessing it. Same thing with my fear of impending homelessness, she just doesn't seem to understand why losing the roof over my head is such a big deal to me. She always says "I can give you leaflets about emergency shelters if it comes to that." She just won't even try to understand that having to pack up my belongings, move from place to place, perhaps end up in a bad shelter or even on the streets, while I'm having cancer treatment and recovering from a stroke, is just too much for me and I would rather die.
But then, a lot of society seems to be like this. Like "society has a safety net," "there is help out there," these people just don't understand that if you're ill or disabled and live like this for years on end, or perhaps even permanently, it completely wears you down. Every day there is some problem, some battle to fight. Like, OK we have disability benefits. But it's an endless fight to keep them, with constant reassessments and appeals. There is no financial security. And yes we have foodbanks, but in some towns it can take over a week to access, and they give you three days worth of food and then you go through the process again you always have at least 4 days without food in between. And the food they give you isn't nutritionally adequate, if you have to survive on it for long periods you get deficiencies. And yes there are shelters and things for the homeless, but sometimes they're full or deeply unpleasant or difficult to access or whatever, hence many people ending up on the streets. It's not easy and it just doesn't end. When you live like this for a long time, it's reasonable that suicide seems like the only viable option. Then people insult the person who dies by suicide, "What a selfish person, how could they do this? Didn't they know people cared about them and are hurt by their suicide? Some poor person had to find the body!" Constantly blaming the dead person rather than admit that society drove them to it.