• ItGoesItGoes [he/him]
    4 years ago

    No need to thank. I tend to refrain from changing bigoted opinions about China, but hell, we are in Chapo, not Reddit.

    You did a good job in explaining the situation, when you are right, you are right. If anyone doesn't believe us and prefers to believe an anti-China grifter (he was anti-China even when he lived in China, so much for muh bad CCP), they can come to this country and check the truth by themselves.

    By the way, it's quite telling that some people here prefer to believe a dehumanising caricature-like version of Chinese people (savages that eat dogs, bats and insects on a daily basis; are brutal and uncompassionate; and are mindless drones), than to believe that Chinese are like any other human.

    Hell, just this year Shenzhen banned the consumption of dogs, and absolutely disagree with it. I don't disagree because I like to eat dogs, but I disagree because thinking eating dogs is any different from eating pigs is just cultural imperialism. According to Western culture domestic animals are sacred, this no different from Indians with cows. All animals suffer when they are killed for consumption, they don't suffer more or less for being domestic animals. If you believe people from other places eating dogs is uncivilised, you are a cultural imperialist and a hypocrite.

    Anyways, going back to the topic, if you believe this yellow peril caricature, you should check your clear crypto-racism, crypto-imperialism and crypto-supremacism. Most Chinese don't eat dogs, nor exotic animals, nor insects.

    I can answer questions if it helps changing anyone's misconceptions or mistaken beliefs about China or Chinese.