Only the bit players in the elite have died from covid. Herman Cain, what the fuck ever, they let him fade like a dying flower. But not the big people.

Trump is the first completely unleashed propagandized chud president. W Bush got his orders from the VP, and every other president was either under control or had an ideology that mirrored being under control. Not fucking Trump, though. This military-worshipping, burger-quaffing, crazy cheeto of a man is addicted to Fox News and just follows whatever his inner sense of flag-salutin' tells him to do. He respects the troops.

Well, the Troops™ came to this fucker with a plan, an op, a trump card to turn the tables on the trade war he was losing with China. "Just drop this little virus we weaponized right in the middle of the country, let Chinese New Year spread it around, and block all travel from China. You'll get your advantage, Mr. president." And the military-sucking-off president believed them, and went through with a plan as asinine and typical as when the U.S. military wanted to nuke North Korea. Of course, it fucking backfires, because it's some general's biowarfare solution to an economic outmaneuvering.

So, the USA begins "accusing your enemies of that which you are guilty of", saying China made the virus. Remember that entire propaganda push, by the highest levels of USA government? So, Trump starts downplaying the virus, 'cause the asshole is like "oh, shit, I actually really fucked up, let's loot these people for all their worth in this crisis and not put any blame on me". They shut down the fucking virus protection plans because they were fucking paranoid they'd get found out.

And that's how Trump survived Covid-19. By giving it to all of us.

Copied from a comment I made because there's no content like this since Qanon has been pulling every conspiracy theorist into a den of reaction. Also, I think it's true.

  • lvysaur [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Yes, it's a US bioweapon. My theory is China knew, and created COVID-19 as a moving vaccine (The Asian virus was 10x milder)

    When the CIA found out about this they had to either release the actual bioweapon (d614g mutation) , or risk it becoming useless due to global immunity.

    relevant points listed here:

    Another point that came out this week is that whitehouse was the one commanding CDC to tell people "use the subway and no need for masks" back in March 2020.

    IMO Trump received an immunity treatment in Nov 2019, lasts approx 1 year. Either it ran out early, or he didn't actually get sick, and him getting COVID was just an excuse to get the booster shot treatment to maintain it.