It's probably censored now on google but a simple search can provide that yeah we worked with AQ in Syria and especially Libya.
We 100% did, and we didn't just work with them, we provided them with weapons.
Pfft next you're going to tell me the CIA armed Bin Laden... The George Bush giveth and another George Bush taketh away. Inshallah.
Bush fool me once, shame on you; if Bush fools me a second time... Won't get fooled again.
And then Obama and Trump and Biden and Trump collectively load the chopper and let it rain on Gaza
I've been doing this bit recently where whenever AQ is mentioned I just pretend that they're talking about Langley
Wooooaahh there you're not supposed to remember history from so long ago. One week max. It's more civil that way
The CIA isn't hiring their best nowadays, you can do better than that