fuckin around with a pretty good but incomplete pokemon fangame engine to learn unity (the more pokemon-ish aspects are very replacable). gimme every idea towards an epstein rpg you can think of. i'll start: -little st james as a setting. has many buildings on it plus tunnels underneath -the encounter jingle is the piano jingle from eyes wide shut -boss characters include various different sickos
i'm open to other lefty shitpost rpg ideas as well
By Pokemon, think combat mechanics and the artstyle of the DS entries. It probably won't have any sort of collection aspect in it.
fuck no lol. Since Pokemon is kind of baby's first rpg, it's also a good baby's first rpg engine. You can fairly easily get rid of the catching mechanics (or even turn based combat entirely) and have a really good 2d game engine. I would lean toward making a game with a very small group of character who join the party in normal rpg ways, or a game with no combat at all.
Plus an Epstein inspired Pokémon fangame already exists