• D61 [any]
    1 month ago

    So these mythical people only ate tomto and ground beef sandwiches?

    A single loaf of bread ain't doing three meals a day with a family of four.

    5 pounds of sugar? Are... they talking about ants?

    This family doesn't brush its teeth, this family doesn't wash with soap, this family doesn't wipe their ass, this family doesn't do laundry, this family doesn't clean their counter tops in the kitchen, this famly doesn't scrub their toilets, nobody in this family menstruates...

    Anectodote time: Its just me and my spouse. With a really big garden, we're spending 80$ at the grocery store... sometimes... and that's WITH producing eggs, milk, kale/chard, apples, pears, tomatoes, blackberries, bell peppers and other stuff I can't think of right now, at home.