she even liked the comment lmao

  • machiavellianRecluse [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Interesting, I see Biden has explicitly stated that he wants to end US support. I am not sure how they will balance this with the US-Saudi relationship. Thanks for the info. In any case, there are many ways to support wars without officially selling arms to countries. US explicitly may not have done anything in Bolivia but that does not mean that they did not have a hand in the events there.

    There are a huge number of wealthier Americans that have supported democrats that want to maintain the long standing status quo re trade with China. Biden will be much more dovish on China and won’t be starting any trade wars.

    Sure but there are already moves to shift manufacturing to other countries like India and Vietnam. There are already hundreds of military bases around China whose explicit purpose is to be able to counter China and even block import of oil and other essentials to China if need be. The belt and road initiative is in many ways just to circumvent this. Sure Biden is not gonna start a trade war but he definitely is going to set the stage for the new cold war against China. That is non-negotiable and that will not depend on who the president is. Also a trade war is exactly the kind of stupid move which is not effective but just gums up the works in the system.

    • cracksmoke2020 [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Nah a trade war is exactly the sort of thing that's effective, it's just a negative incentive for companies to move from China to Vietnam and the like rather than a positive incentive like the TPP and other free trade deals enable.

      The US under Biden will absolutely engage in geopolitical containment strategies around China, but I highly doubt that will actually manifest in any relevant way because Biden doesn't want to hurt US business interests in their country.

      • machiavellianRecluse [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        The US under Biden will absolutely engage in geopolitical containment strategies around China, but I highly doubt that will actually manifest in any relevant way because Biden doesn’t want to hurt US business interests in their country.

        I don't know what you mean by "will not manifest in any relevant way" because a string of military bases in south east Asia sounds relevant. You can already see the pieces moving in Philippines (not saying this particular thing is unequivocally good or bad just that these forces are already in action):

        • cracksmoke2020 [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          As in it won't hurt chinese economic growth, at most it will delay their attempts to take over Taiwan or something.