Of all the shit they feed the animals and the factory processes used to mass produce and ship food including the preservative techniques used so it doesn't spoil while you shop for it, it's THE HEAT that you take issue with??? You could cook it on cast iron. Pasteurization is literally heating it and cooling it.
It's like these people hate microbiology more than every other science combined. There's more people who hate the vaccine and hate cooking food than there are flat earthers who hate physics. I'd want to compare antivaxxers vs people who hate big pharma without being antivaxxers (a venn diagram that is a circle inside another circle no doubt). They have this visceral hatred for germ theory.
Of all the shit they feed the animals and the factory processes used to mass produce and ship food including the preservative techniques used so it doesn't spoil while you shop for it, it's THE HEAT that you take issue with??? You could cook it on cast iron. Pasteurization is literally heating it and cooling it.
It's like these people hate microbiology more than every other science combined. There's more people who hate the vaccine and hate cooking food than there are flat earthers who hate physics. I'd want to compare antivaxxers vs people who hate big pharma without being antivaxxers (a venn diagram that is a circle inside another circle no doubt). They have this visceral hatred for germ theory.