This isn’t fine, none of this is fine! I need goddamn lectures, not 2 hour long YouTube videos! I don’t have the attention span for this shit! None of this is the same, and I’m doing significantly worse than in person and there’s nothing I can fucking do about it. I’m sick of this shit fuck, at least decrease tuition or some shit Christ.

  • Katieushka [they/them,she/her]
    4 years ago

    i can agree for uni/collegewhere you also have to pay for that shit but jesus fucking christ for high school this is so much better. my mental health has been on an upward spiral ever since lockdown, i dont have to worry about all the shit irl interactions did to me. my school fianlly has digitalized somewhat, so i knwo where to check for homework, i dont have to leave home at 6.55 am to do an hour of commute, my hours tend to be shorter and less intense and i can study how i want. fuck all those fucking stakanovists who want to study 24/7 in fucking high school to get all A+ and go back to school just to get covid. my place announced a lockdown last week and i discovered a girl in my class has had contact with positive people so really staying one day more there could have meant i need to go to the hospital asap.

    • duck [he/him,they/them]
      4 years ago

      I've done both some high school and uni from home this year and I hated both but I understand why some people like it. Glad you do. Many friends moved after high school and with barely any social life in or out of school it just sucks, dropped out for now to work