We have absolutely being running supplies and weapons to Israel. We have absolutely been providing intelligence and targeting for Israel. We have absolutely been helping Israel political and military figures avoid potential arrest or legal complications via British military flights. There's been on the ground reporting of sheepdipped British military on the ground in Gaza and the West Bank as well as evidence indicating SAS operations.
We're not just provided material support to this genocide, we're active participants and I suspect that people will continue finding just how much that's true over the coming decades. For now of course, our politicians will just continue to classify everything, bring terror charges against and silence journalists who look into it, and mumble nonsense qualifiers in public that hint at respecting international law like those fucking chain Facebook post qualifiers that sovereign citizens and QAnon love so much.
The word "barbarian" comes from Romans making fun of Northern Europeans' speech. The Romans thought they all sounded like they were just shouting "Bar! Bar! Bar! Baaaaarrrr!" at each other.
It's like if that "removed Ling Long" YouTube monstrosity from a decade ago became the word we use for foreigners 2,000 years from now.
That's not true, it comes from greek to mean anyone who is not greek (which in ancient Greeks times, would be an insult)
They're not even those good ol Celts
Nowadays, most of em are of Deutsch descent.
i'm afraid so ol' boy, all empires must collapse and if not socialism, barbarism in the swamps with old
and no trotskyism does not count