*advancing her career
This is about AOC losing her bid for the Oversight committee to a geriatric Dem lifer. Sure she has systematically shredded any last bit of credibility with her triangulation, but hey, at least all the 5D polítical chess is paying off! She's changing the system from the inside! It's working this time!
Girl, you abandoned any pretense of doing working-class mass politics when you decided to do insider politics! Why are you tweeting like Bernie Sanders circa 2012? There's no we! There's no mass movement behind you! It's just NYC DSA and some Warren libs (but I repeat myself)
I think you have a misunderstanding on what 'fighting' means. unlike you, she doesn't lash out at everyone like a hurt animal. that literally gets you no where. She doesn't waste her time persuading those who are not persuadable. (i.e. you, republicans, capitalists.)
So tell me: you get into office, you're essentially solo in your views, how would you deal with the bills being proposed? beyond getting nothing by essentially refusing to vote for anything. Yes you're very principled; we get it.
Muh civility!
Okay, let's say she doesn't (she does, against anti-genocide protestors, by the way). What good does that do anybody?
Seems like lashing out gets people a lot more than not lashing out.
How about you tell us what good are politicians like your whitewashed and idealised version of AOC, then, if the system makes it impossible to legally act against it from within?
Won't somebody PLEASE think of poor AOCs feelings
She's not gonna text you back
No, I'm using the same toothless definition you're using - publicly supporting a political stance. Or are you saying she never fought for minorities in any sense?
Wow you're correct the system itself is shit and cannot be reformed, no matter how many sheepdogs try to herd us into the democratic fold. Thank you for convincing me of being a militant communist! I will now go murder [redacted]