She wants to debase herself in order to embrace genocidal monsters and then get nothing in return anyway!
Completely destroying your reputation to grandstand and lecture your base about how they should turn out to vote for a war criminal that has helped make Palestine much worse, the border situation and discourse worse, and the situation in Ukraine into a complete hellpit
So that you can get absolutely nothing out of it and look like a complete clown
She's a Democrat alright, she already has those political instincts finely attuned
Very much so and w pelosi stuck on the other side of the planet no less.
I wonder if she's going to sell out like Bernie has; assuming her railroad strike busting wasn't already a sign that she has already sold out.
Its the second thing, except probably way earlier than even the strike busting
Guy that beat her is a 74 year old with cancer that he didn't disclose until after he won his election. Feels like a big "fuck you."
in the midst of all the recent criticism have any of you considered that AOC is doing what the unions wanted her to
The amerikkkan Marc Garneau: Kissed the ring for absolutely nothing in return.