"The material, sensuously perceptible world to which we ourselves belong is the only reality.... Our consciousness and thinking, however supra-sensuous they may seem, are the product of a material, bodily organ, the brain. Matter is not a product of mind, but mind itself is merely the highest product of matter." — Karl Marx
Calling it a lump of fat is a bit like calling the Milky Way a very sparse field of hydrogen
To my knowledge there are interesting quantum-mechanical effects at play as well though. There's a lot of esoterical nonsense around that of course, however first discoveries pointing into this direction are quite promising.
I always remember a quote from Alan Watts talking about this topic: "You are the universe experiencing itself". The idea of consciousness being an emerging property of the universe itself makes most sense to me, and the non-deterministic properties of quantum mechanics open this possibility.
Definitely more inspiring to think about it this way than just as a lump of fat.
people don't like this idea because if that's all we are, then who is anyone to say that the inevitable equivalent man-made lump of fat with electrical activity isn't entitled to all the same rights and status that we are
also jeebus doesn't want you to think you can't go on getting punished even after you're dead
honestly I never got this. Same with the simulation thing. What's it matter if we're in a simulation or all I ever do is the result of some salty fat firing off neurons? I mean what am I going to do about that?
people used to get burnt at the stake for this shit. and dont' forget how butthurt people got over the suggestion that --gasp-- the earth isn't the center of the universe
I'm aware it's controversial, I just genuinely do not get why you would care.
because when you have deeply entrenched religious indoctrination, ideas about the world, life, and reality that don't mesh with your "god" are literally personal attacks on your very identity.
some people care about this shit more than they care about anything else. you should get rid of the assumption that things need to make sense to these people
you should get rid of the assumption that things need to make sense to these people
trust me I don't but especially if I pick up the simulation thing that also seems to concern a lot of people who aren't religious. I mean I get the religious people, it's in direct affront to the axioms you structure your entire shit around. That makes sense to me, even if I don't share the axioms.
the simulation thing implies we don't have "free will" or that we don't have control over our life (which we don't anyway), and that scares people half to death. so, classic denial