hi all 6 eps of Magical Girl Friendship Squad are hitting @syfy tomorrow night!! You will see: bitchy mushrooms, dangerously horny teens, snake demon ex-girlfriends, rivers of period blood, and robert deniro’s retainer!!! pic.twitter.com/84i09SV5Nx— Hallie Cantor (@halliecantor) September 25, 2020
Hard to criticize it without sounding like a troglodyte redditor, but it looks like they just took everything tumblr likes and tried to throw it all into one show without writing any actual jokes. Like it legit just looks pandering. That other show they have going on with the animals looks like it's pandering to white guy stoners.
Hard to criticize it without sounding like a troglodyte redditor, but it looks like they just took everything tumblr likes and tried to throw it all into one show without writing any actual jokes. Like it legit just looks pandering. That other show they have going on with the animals looks like it's pandering to white guy stoners.
"duty" ...
wreck-it-ralphsarah silverman programscrubsfamily guybeavis and butthead called, said something about the penicillin growth you disturbed?