What a fucking shithole fucking country I fucking live in

  • Darkmatter2k [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I haven't really followed up on what cause the rightward turn in Poland, is it just shitty EU neoliberalism finally breaking people?

    • Cysioland [he/him,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Well, sort of. The previous governing party was a shitty neolib "warm water in the tap" party, and now they're basically the boogeyman in the eyes of the current government.

  • Circra [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The UK is a shithole, but I've been watching Poland's slide into full blown clerical fascism with horror. So sorry you have to live with it.

  • cresspacito [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Poles in the UK tend to be great people and I feel bad for them that their country's gov endorses events like screaming at a rainbow flag and stomping and spitting on it because that's hella weird. Like at least do a dumb fascism like us or America or Brazil, not this oddball pathological shit

  • seksmisja [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Controversial take, but I think this is a great decision. The local populations of the endangered kibolus polonausus are decreasing so we need more disabled to make their populations stable

    • Cysioland [he/him,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      local populations of the endangered kibolus polonausus are decreasing so we need more disabled to make their populations stable


      • seksmisja [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        What can I say, kibol rights are human rights. Jazda, Jazda, Jazda , Biała Gwiazda

    • Circra [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Birth defects in terms of this kinda legislation covers things where if the baby is born, it's looking at hours to months of pain due to stuff like extreme abnormalities.

      I know someone who had a pregnancy where the fetus was aborted due to such a birth defect. It was by all accounts a harrowing process. It would be much, much worse if you were forced to give birth to a child who would spend maybe a few months in agony before the defect kills them.

    • regul [any]
      4 years ago

      you probably want some level of restriction on how far into the pregnancy an abortion can be performed

      I don't. Why would you want this?

      Most late-term abortions are for stillbirths, birth defects, or dangerous to the mother.

      But that doesn't matter anyway. It all comes down eventually to who gets autonomy: the fetus or the mother. You can't give it to one without taking it from the other, and it's an easy choice for me.

        • CakeAndPie [any]
          4 years ago

          One of the big arguments is that we don't force people to donate blood or organs. Even for someone who's at death's door without a transfusion or transplant. Even for parents and children. We don't do it, it's beyond all medical ethics.

          For the same exact reason, you can't force one person to serve as another person's life support device. Even if the fetus were a full human being with fully equal rights, which is a stupid argument on multiple levels, that fetus has no right to force another person to act as its host regardless of their relationship.

          Otherwise, prepare for forced organ donation and blood transfusions.

          Pregnancy is dangerous, it was one of the most common causes of death for fertile women historically. Even today it results in permanent body changes with a big chance of disability and death. Permanent incontinence, fistula, diabetes, you name it. Abortion is much safer for the body than pregnancy. That's another reason it's unethical to force people to give birth against their will. Naturally, once the fetus is able to survive on its own, we no longer allow the "host" to arbitrarily kill the fetus, hence the restrictions on late term abortion.

          Anyway, hopefully this helps you to understand the reasons a lot of people think a pregnant person should have the same rights we give all other people.

          • CakeAndPie [any]
            4 years ago


    • CatherineTheSoSo [any]
      4 years ago

      Or is the personhood argument lib?

      As far as I remember from my embryology course the embryo is basically in a state of anesthesia and doesn't gain sentience before it draws its first breath, so this whole personhood thing is semantic. There isn't a point during embryonic development when a lump of cells turns into a person.

    • emizeko [they/them]
      4 years ago

      preventing killing of disabled people

      wow I'm sure nobody will notice that you cleverly built in that fetuses are people here, you got us dude

        • SerLava [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Its not eugenics to be like, damn, can my child have skin? can I have one with skin?

            • anthm17 [he/him]
              4 years ago

              You want parents to bring a person into the world knowing they they are destined for a horrible early death?

              Just cause you think a fetus is a person. Fuck off.

            • SerLava [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Let's go to the extreme, you want the BLUE EYES. BLUE EYES. Literal nazi shit.

              Should the government step in and say whoa, that's racist, so we are going to force you to carry a baby to term? WHY? Who does that help at all?

              Real eugenics is a social policy, usually forced on minorities or vulnerable groups by a government. But everyone has the right to do "eugenics" on their own womb. I might think they're dumb as dog shit, but there's no fucking way I'm gonna let that turn me into an anti-abortion freak.

                • SerLava [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  What about selecting for IQ? What about aborting a EMBRYO with Down’s?

                  This isn't up to the cops.

                  But I heard arguments, where a person will advocate for abortion but then advocate against personal choice when that choice is to choose an embryo with a specific trait.

                  Yes, that's stupid as fuck.

                  for wanting their children to have a better life

                  I said blue eye selection is dumb as dog shit, not height or whatever.

                  If you're enough of a nerd to select for height or whatever, and you had 3 abortions when the first 3 turned out to be short kings and queens, I still can't force you to abort the tall one.

                  Genetic engineering is a whole different ball game, by the way, and if you have a baby with uh, telekenesis or whatever, there's an argument for sterilizing them and giving them free unlimited en vitro therapy where we edit the modified genes of their kids back to normal. Imagine Nazis except their superiority basically isn't even delusional.

    • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Gathering up disabled people and gassing them =/= aborting before it starts to save the parents and child from a life of debt and struggle.

        • YouKnowIt [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Yeah, I'm sure that putting no restrictions on fucking around with designer babies will totally help the poor you moron

            • YouKnowIt [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Because, you dumbass, only the rich will have access to it either way. Artificial insemination alone costs like a grand a pop in this country numbnuts, you think that physical access is the only thing that would make this hard? You complete idiot. Why don't we fucking get rid of capital gains taxes completely, so that the poor can gain endless wealth from the stock market, same as the rich? Fucking moron.

                • YouKnowIt [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  Hey since I'm in a jungle that means I can feast on all that sweet predator meat! Since physical access is the only impediment to anything! Just gotta fix the healthcare system in America by building more hospitals! You complete fucking imbecile, you weirdly combative rube

            • Circra [he/him]
              4 years ago

              It's kind of hard to tell if you're more ignorant of science, economics or history right now but you sure are holding onto some very silly ideas very angrily.

              Now, as for a detailed breakdown of why you're being such a silly sausage.

              For starters, the technology to edit DNA to the extent you can code it for beneficial attributes is a bit like cold fusion. We're being told it's round the corner but we've been told that for decades now. It turns out that this genetic engineering stuff is hard work. Hell, it's increasingly likely the planet will be a largely inhospitable hellhole due to climate change before it's developed and can be realistically applied in any meaningful way.

              Secondly, no restrictions on it won't help poor people get ahead. Quite the opposite. No restrictions means that the rich are going to be able to use this technology to give themselves even greater advantages over the rest of us than they already have. Do you want Bezos' spawn to have an extra three decades of potential lifespan? An extra five decades? Yeah, no thanks.

              Thirdly, name me a single instance in history where putting no restrictions on the development and practise of emerging technology like this has benefited the poor over the rich. I mean you are sort of right in that placing no restrictions on its development and sale will certainly benefit the middle classes but I'm not looking forward to my landlord's kids getting a genetic as well as a social and capital advantage over mine thanks a lot mate.

              I mean if you need another argument how about the ethics of developing this designer baby tech. You are gonna need to create human babies for this and some of the experiments and early, pioneering products are going to go wrong; that's unavoidable. I dunno if I can stomach the idea of having to scrap batch 23 of newborn babies cos they were born with their skin inside out or whatever just so I get to pick if my kid has black hair or brown eyes or whatever the fuck.

              Now chill out cos you're making yourself look like a tit.

                • Circra [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  You seem a tad tetchy there, in fact you seem to have clean forgotten to address any of the very valid reasons I pointed out there about why your idea is a bit daft.

                  Go away, have a cup of tea and come back to it maybe?