I'm meeting a very cute guy tomorrow who so far seems like a liberal and anti-trump but generally not very concerned with politics. Should I try to hint at my anti-capitalist worldview over time and try to slowly shift his views? Should I try to immediately talk about it very openly and see how he reacts to it? Or will that scare him off? But does it matter if he gets scared off? Should I only be looking for people who already share my views? Or would that be narrowing my options too much? Basically, how much should I rant about capitalism on this date tomorrow?

  • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The worst date I have ever been on was with a comrade. She didn't do anything wrong...and I don't think I really did either...but the whole thing was just an awkward attempt to get a conversation flowing, and failing spectacularly.

    I'm not saying politics shouldn't matter in a relationship (I'm on this site for chrissakes), but all the right political views in the world are just no substitute for chemistry.

    Be yourself, be unapologetic for your political views...see if you click.