I am hearing really scary things in the wake of the beheading of that teacher. Is Macron starting an all out persecution campaign against Muslims?

I'd especially appreciate input by French chapos.

  • ViveLaCommune [any]
    4 years ago

    Not offering any more thoughts about the current-current situation, because I just think it's all fucked, the problem is insoluble, too complex to rollback decades of awful choices, and I definitively don't master the subject, but I can add bits of information without any sources because I want you to correct me (please) :

    A majority of french people would want religion to disappear from the public life, vanish into the private space, banished from ever showing its head anywhere else than their homes and, especially, others. And among all that is Islam, the religion most removed from a majority of them, and at the same time at the heart of the culture of a substantial part of the population, unlike them. For them, it's the one they dislike the most because it's the most different from them, and a majority of the time, the strongest way it enters their lives, or at least that's how they see it, because they are so removed from it, are the murders.

    Add to that the way that, decades in the making, like in most places in the world, basically the rich live in some neighborhoods, the poor live in others, and the descendants of immigrants live in yet other spaces (with strong intersections), people don't know each other, and what is most apparent to them are the confrontations they see on the television or the internet. You could put it as a white vs black vs [insert racist color here] issue, because as an anglo you identify yourself first as a color, and it's important to know what "race" is imposed onto you, even if it's a whole part of your culture and strengthened with time, and how some use it to manipulate you and all your friends since the beginnings of times and since the first man feared another because he saw difference as a danger or a tool to use, but I prefer to look at it as I put it. I know we're on an USian website, but anyway.

    What the fuck do you do when the rich is actively physically separated from the poor, and of originally racist and classist acts muslims are further separated ? The consequence, and what a success, is that everyone lives not knowing who the "other" really is, what is its life, except one has the power and the other does not.

    So here comes a murder in the name of the whole religion these people have at the heart of their culture, you don't know these people, they don't know you, all know this shit country is an imperialist state, and that might be one of the reasons you're here and these murders took place, because they hoarded the wealth and you ended up here generations after one of your ancestors made the choice to come here (I really am fucking historically illiterate please kill me). So here you are, separated from those others, that one guy who feels way more close to you and looks more like you in appearance just killed one of those fuckers that attacked that thing that is important to you, and you find yourself being shat at by those others living differently than you. And those others, they see you as an other too, but an other that looks like that guy that killed someone because of an act you think is natural in this country, true to what you believe in, that all religion brings only shit, and here you are being proved right. But you aren't, none of you are, and you wish you could be all nuked, and that fucking language has some useless rules you trip on everyday and socially you are put in your place by it, and what the fuck is that hole if I can't bring you all in it with me. Fuck you.

    Anyway that was schizoposting.