Let me guess, it has a woman and a black person in it?
Yea, Maddie Wachowski. But she is married to a cop. Tbh, she is mostly a secondary character that help sonic sometimes and is a good person, I guess it would be interesting if they did something more with her character but it's ok (she mostly has a sort of mother-son relation with Sonic, Tails and Knuckles). These movies mostly focus on Sonic and Robotnik/Eggman anyway.
For a moment I thought one of Sonic's friends was a Wachowski sister.
Shadow doesn't kill a single person with a gun. Matt is frustrated about this disregard for the original lore.
Remember when the original sonic movie was out and fascists were doing victory laps over birds of prey because it “proves” that only white men should be protagonists?
CHUDs when a piece of media isn’t a re-telling of The Turner Diaries
So I'm reading some marvel from the 80's and in the letters to the editor there's comic book nerds, remember these are some of the lowest of the low, compared to only G*mers, complaining about women being two-dimensional and just sex appeal.
We're more conservative and backwards today in 2025 than we were in 1984 and the time of literal demon Ronald Reagan.
If, God forbid, someone DID make a Turner Diaries movie, I'd be curious as to which conservative pundits talk about it glowingly vs which ones recognize it as hateful drivel.
Imagining the video is just Matt Walsh agreeing with me about Sonic’s characterization.
Why lmao? Those films are so wholesome and fun.
Christofascists malding, death to the DW
Chuds dislike anything that is actually cool and fun, thats why they used to say stuff like Yugioh and Pokémon were evil.
It's interesting how he looks like the perfect stereotype of a guy his hog fans would relentlessly make fun of. Wonder if he's doing it on purpose or if he just completely lacks self-awareness.