• captchaintherye [any]
    4 years ago

    You underestimate just how much Americans didn’t like HRC. Joe Biden might be pretty much the same person in regards to position, but that doesn’t matter because he’s liked, more or less.

    I think you underestimate how important her evil policies were, in making people hate her. Sure some of it was "hurr durr she has a vagine and she eats babies in a pizzeria basement". But most of it was "another fucking Democrat that isn't going to do shit for me, I guess I'll trust the 0.000000001% chance that the Apprentice Guy isn't a complete and total fucking liar, or just not vote".

    By running Biden, someone even worse than Clinton politically and also with Alzheimer's, they ensure that anyone who felt that way then, still feels that way in 2020.

    • JuanGLADIO [any]
      4 years ago

      We’re going to have record turnout in cities and places that doesn’t matter electorally. Trump people will be having record turnout when they’re vote is worth two. One to cancel out and one for the electoral inflation.