
    • VILenin [he/him]
      1 year ago

      This shouldn’t be controversial in a leftist space, but I still see people trying to save it because Jesus said some basic ass populism shit

      • CyborgMarx [any, any]
        1 year ago

        I think that take is controversial because it's obvious utopian nonsense detached from any material reality, the majority of the working class globally are religious, that's not an endorsement that's just a fact and there's hasn't been any configuration of atheism that would make a convincing dent in it

        Obviously nobody actaully gives a fuck about the theology, not even the believers, there's only one real God and one real religion out there and its name is Capital

        And in a fundamental way it's already killed these religions and turned them into corpse puppets

        What would religion look like without any capital scaffolding it, that's the question commies should be asking, not "hOw cAn wE dEsTrOY iDeAS iN PeOples hEaDs"

        • VILenin [he/him]
          1 year ago

          The USSR made quite a convincing dent until capitalism came back and propped the church back up. You can’t make Marxism religious you can only accommodate religion as necessary. If ever your glorious revolution should succeed, it’s time to start chipping away at it. Not that you should throw your devout grandma in a gulag, but religion will naturally start to recede even if it takes two hundred years to be meaningful.

          • CyborgMarx [any, any]
            1 year ago

            That's my point, it wasn't the atheism that did that it was socialism

            And socialists did it by tackling the root behind why people need religion, not bludgeoning people over theology that most of them don't actaully believe or even have an education in

      1 year ago

      I would go so far as to say anyone claiming anything dogmatic should be opposed and destroyed. The only dogma is there shall be none.