You really want to defend Chairman Theebo? And his policies towards artisan toymakers who had wispy beards and round glasses?
Theebo was a counterrevolutionary, and I'll be dead in my grave before I recognise the Sheeple's Demokkkratic Republic of Grapitalismbia
Sure thing Maoist, just don't look at who was on the same side as the USA and the Grumbian Chuddian Legion in the 3rd Subcarpathian insurgency.
Theebo had to be pragmatic, Khrushchev threatened to halt imports of critical timber resources which would have crippled the state toymaking monopoly and hence had to align with the soviets during the split
It's not talked about for good reason.
I heard of a young DDR functionary who went there to get a reclusive regional party secretary to finalise the sale of a defunct tractor factory in his homeland and it did NOT end well.
The Grumbian decision to make all their engines run on cabbage and subsequently turn 92% of the countries agrarian production to cabbage did them honestly no favor. Even the polish thought they were a little obsessed with cabbage and the smell was practically unbearable for foreigners.
Grumbian agricultural reform was a disaster.
The scheme to ease the process of planting by merely leaving the seeds on top of the soil, allowed roughly 80% of potential agricultural crop to be eaten by birds. An internal investigation found agricultural minister Darby "Crackers" McGraw (who turned out to be a parrot standing on a mannequin's shoulders the entire time) to be wholly responsible.