"The super-rich continue to squander humanity's chances with their lavish lifestyles, polluting stock portfolios and pernicious political influence. This is theft—pure and simple."
I find the whole bunker thing incredibly funny myself. Like we all saw how people were going nuts during pandemic lockdowns. Now imagine the most narcissistic people who are used to their every whim catered living in a cage. It's not gonna matter how gilded they can make their cages, they will go insane within weeks.
I find the whole bunker thing incredibly funny myself. Like we all saw how people were going nuts during pandemic lockdowns. Now imagine the most narcissistic people who are used to their every whim catered living in a cage. It's not gonna matter how gilded they can make their cages, they will go insane within weeks.
Looking forward to cracking their bunkers open and seeing them fully turned into Morlocks after a fortnight