• TossedAccount [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The majority of libs Marxists should want to radicalize are either a) clearly working-class, b) under 30, or c) marginalized by some combination of sexism, racism, LGBT-phobias, ableism, etc. The libs ripest for radicalization are those who've been made to see what's behind the kayfabe as a result of either political experience or having a shitty life (especially where the boss/landlord/insurance company/etc. is obviously culpable), those who've at least begun to draw or intuit correct Marxist or revolutionary conclusions and are still looking for answers and ways to actually fight back and organize.

    In the current moment this might include disillusioned Bernie supporters who were misled by the DSA Dem-entryist tactic for 3 years, or young participants in the revitalized BLM movement (or the youth climate movement, or the women's marches, and so on) who've witnessed firsthand the Dems' and NGOs' sabotage of their movement and the slowing of their momentum in favor of getting out the vote for fucking Joe Biden. To the extent that these people are libs, they're already progressive and are hardly true believers in a reformist or even social-democratic approach anymore.

    Of course since a lot of the working class is still either apolitical (and therefore liberal by default rather than invested in liberalism), or under the influence of opportunist saboteurs encouraging them to devote their political energy to helping the Democrats, unless socialists can successfully forge organic grassroots relationships with their co-workers, their communities, their local unions, etc. through united-front struggles and interventions, many of the people who'll be quickest to radicalize are necessarily going to frequently have some lumpen or PMC-failchild characteristics, e.g. students with petty-bourgie or PMC parents, or downwardly-mobile people who had to learn the hard way that meritocracy is bullshit, or underemployed and hyper-oppressed people who've directly experienced state violence in some form and were never invested in the system to begin with.

    The enthusiastic and smug K-Hive and Donut Twitter people on the other are the true believers among the PMC and the cynics who've fully embraced the fuck-you-got-mine-except-woke mindset, the people ignorant or ghoulish enough to actually think Biden and Harris are good candidates and to shit on progressive libs for daring to add caveats and criticisms of Biden to their explicitly lesser-evilist and harm-reductionist Biden endorsements.