In light of climate change I lean towards it being positive but I'm not very informed on this.

  • ElectricMonk [she/her,undecided]
    4 years ago

    Huh ok, thanks for the source. The Australian government has looked into the feasibility of nuclear multiple times and decided its not economical viable, but I think a large contributing factor to that would be the lack of skills, knowledge and equipment in the country already.

    • kristina [she/her]
      4 years ago

      there are some places where wind and solar make more sense with current nuclear tech, i dont think australia would fall into that category. places that are very remote and are not connected to a grid currently are the best options for wind/solar. with australia they might just be jerking it to coal though. wind is also highly unavailable for the vast majority of global south nations. whitey is hogging all the good wind spots.

      also, whoever is downvoting me: show yourself, coward.

      • ElectricMonk [she/her,undecided]
        4 years ago

        it’s not me! not sure why I’m being upvoted when you clearly know a lot more about the subject than me.