Feels like (the good parts of) old chapo again, drop an AOC post and go grab some lunch... come back and there are over 60 replies :)

  • heqt1c [he/him]
    4 years ago

    [Excuse the hastily crafted, disorganized reply here.. have to rush out the door]

    People have a hard time distinguishing True SocialismTM and socialist goals and methods, at least when you're referring to democratic socialism.

    Is Scandinavia socialist? No. Do they have a pretty strong socialist movement and tendencies in their public policy? Yes.

    Just one example: The Danish Social Democrats explicitly say they are a democratic Socialist party. They don't nationalize shit, but they do have a 67% unionization rate, great wages, and nearly no homelessness, higher rates of cooperative ownership of businesses and housing etc.

    I don't think anybody here would argue that Danish Democratic Socialism (which can also be called Social Democracy) is worse than American Capitalism.... or even close on the spectrum of equality and erasing class distinctions.

    As a Democratic Socialist, I share the many same goals of Communists (moreso than Neoliberals for damn sure)... and if a communist revolution were to pop off I'd jump on the band wagon, but until then I am going to be supporting socdems and Demsocs as they also materially benefit the working class as well.

    Growing the Communist movement cannot only be about punching right 100% of the time, you have to lay out a vision for people to reach for. Any movement which exists soley on the premise of nagging the opposition is self-limiting by nature.

    (end mental diarrhea)