This is a part of not doxxing yourself.

Lie about who you associate with, what you do, who your trans friends are, what politician is running in your city, all of it. Have fun with it. Lie about every detail. Be as inconsistent as possible. Your one dentist friend that has a certain story relating to their occupation is actually your 106-year-old WW2 medic grandmother. A story you have as a software dev was actually told to you by a weeb cousin in Japan.

The truth doesn't matter anymore and nobody needs it. Nobody is keeping check. What's important is keeping everyone safe and having fun with it.

Safety is more important than name checking the millionth local school board member that talked about "preserving Western civilisation" in a Zoom meeting. Fuck that guy.

Especially be careful when referring to trans comrades in your life. It is an insanely small world for trans people. I have ran into trans people I know IRL through trans internet forums. If the wrong people are browsing, what you say + a first name is really all you need.

Also, you live at Liberal Mountain, Idaho.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Unless you don't actually give a shit. Then feel free.

    I get it, Americans and some other countries seriously need to protect themselves. This is not in fact the case in dozens of other countries. Fear of exposure is a part of the system that has kept communists from growing for decades and kept communists from passing on their ideology to their children, if you're not particularly at risk then please consider being open. Here in Britain I'm a communist in my everyday life, even in some workplaces.

    Being visible is essential. Being open is essential. Normalising is essential.

    Opsec if you need to. Or don't if you don't need to or don't want to. Ultimately to achieve some things we literally can't.