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    • JayTwo [any]
      4 years ago

      John Oliver is sort of a guilty pleasure for me, I guess.
      Like, an actual guilty pleasure.
      Not like having a piece of chocolate after meals, but like, rawdogging strangers.
      I enjoy it but know I shouldn't, and feel ashamed afterwards.
      The jokes are old and stale, yet still make me laugh.
      And he always talks about structural problems, yet fails to go deep enough to pin it all on capitalism, or even third way neoliberalism, and instead pulls out prematurely and offers some shitty ineffective "solution" at the end that obviously won't work because it relies on everyone in the world spending extra money, or politicians that listen to their constituents rather than corporate interests or something else equally unrealistic.

      • kilternkafuffle [any]
        4 years ago

        Yeah, but there's like 10 jokes per episode inserted where they don't belong that you can tell even he doesn't find funny. "The Republicans scolding the Democrats on the deficit...? That's like ...a fish telling a frog it has a drinking problem! Shut up, fish, you need help! ...Anyway, the deficit has increased by 150 billion last year..." They have some formula of 1 joke per 3 minutes of exposition and it comes across as robotic.

        • PlantsRcool [any]
          4 years ago

          Lmao the ones where you can tell even he doesn't think they're funny are the best. It's just so absurd, a comedian tell jokes even he doesn't think are funny. And they're not funny, they end up being weird run on sentences but delivered with the cadence of a joke, it's so fucking stupid I love it

          • kilternkafuffle [any]
            4 years ago

            I guess there's no arguing about taste. Once my suspense of disbelief is broken too many times, I don't want to go back. But whatever floats your boat!