They dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan to make the Soviet Union's invasion of Hokkaido unnecessary and as a performative act to horrify the world in to subjugation.

The whole 'saved more lives than it cost' is a bad argument unless the plan was to slaughter a hundred thousand civilians on landing. Note the Nazi invasion of France cost 60,000 lives in civilian resistance...this was at the beginning of the war.

Japan would have surrendered on the first day of invasion.

  • rozako [she/her]
    4 years ago

    In 9th grade, I said I didn’t support the bombs and a guy to me said, “Well of course a girl wouldn’t support it.” Also the same class where my teacher tried to insinuate 1 year old me somehow helped do 9/11.

      • rozako [she/her]
        4 years ago

        This is the real reason TSA doesn’t allow baby formula

      • rozako [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Literally just that I was probably the only Muslim student that has ever been to that small white high school lol. He basically thought most Muslims were ‘in on it’ or ‘supported it’. If I remember right, his one sentence was: You know, if you were an adult then, you probably would have been happy about it.

        • Sentnear [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Well... it’s good to know that kids have always been taught only by the most educated amongst us :/