• cracksmoke2020 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    21st century capitalism, which is truthfully the most liberal form of capitalism to ever exist, is still not remotely in the ballpark level of liberalism that Smith wrote in support of, and his followers such as Henry George wrote solutions around how to reach towards. The neoliberal sub has some people who like to pretend they are liberal ideologues in the above vision, but theyre really just people who want to uphold the status quo.

    The original framers of liberal thought had deeply held egalitarian beliefs, they did not support inherited wealth, they found any form of rent seeking to be totally immoral and destructive m The value Marx provided was in saying that these are problems that are inherently unsolvable under a broader liberal world order. And further Marxist intellectuals built upon how liberal capitalism hands far too much control over the flow of information to monied elites totally giving them control of any and all governments.

    Go talk to people on the sub, none of them have any real conception of power except for the occasional neocon, and those folks don't even pretend to give a shit about egalitarian values that smith talked about constantly.

    • Nagarjuna [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Most of the folks in that tradition call themselves anarchists nowadays.