“Actually Mr. President, we are NOT progressive and are NOT going to ban fracking 😏 try again orange man. Medicare for all? I don’t even know what that is 😂🤣”

    • Fidel_Cashflow [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      If there are problems that affect every group, and other problems that only affect specific groups, shouldn't we prioritize solving the problems that affect everyone?

      And I think that's especially true if solving the problems that affect minority groups are (whether it's fair or not) seen as divisive issues that result in pushback and potentially alienating normies?

      What if trying to solve all the problems at once prevents you from solving any of the problems? Seems to me like that's harmful to everyone, including the minority groups you're trying to help.

      By the way, I've exposed hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of people to powerful leftist agit-prop that I made myself. Not memes btw, but facts and figures about how bad capitalism is, with sources. And most of the people I've reached are normies, so I've probably played a significant role in radicalizing a massive amount of people towards leftism. I can pretty much guarantee I've done more to help leftism than 99.9% of BLM protesters have. I can pretty much guarantee I've done more to help leftism than you have.